Saturday, November 10, 2007

PowerBuilder 11 Webcasts

Sign up today for the PowerBuilder 11 Webcast series. These interactive webcasts, each 60 minutes long, will cover the following topics:

  • PB 11 Overview - November 20th with Jim O’Neil

  • Windows Forms and Interop - December 11th with Jim O’Neil

  • Web Forms - December 11th with Dave Fish

  • Smart Client - January 15th with John Strano

  • Web Services Deployment - January 29th 2008 with Dave Fish

  • Web Services DataWindow - February 5th 2008 with Dave Avera

This is also a great opportunity to have your questions answered by PowerBuilder experts, either online during the webcast, or during a live question and answer session at the end of each presentation.

For more information, and the registration form, click here.


Unknown said...

I'd like to see this webcast, is it recorded?

Unknown said...

Nice and well written post. I have the information regarding this topic by your last post also. You explained in a same way.If you have more then share also.Thanks.
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